Sponsor Spotlight: Armstrong Ceilings

Company Name: Armstrong Ceiling Solutions
Your Name: Dianne Knight
Local Rep’s Position/Years: Full Line Sales Manager, OR / SW Washington (1 year in this role).
IIDA member since: Pretty sure it’s been since I was first starting out as a designer in 1996.

Armstrong World Industries (AWI) headquarters is located in Lancaster, PA. We are a leader in the design and manufacture of innovative commercial and residential ceiling, wall and suspension system solutions in the Americas. With $937 million in revenue in 2020, AWI has approximately 2,800 employees and a manufacturing network of 15 facilities, plus six facilities dedicated to its WAVE joint venture.

What is your favorite IIDA event?
I love the Design Crawl because we tour award-winning projects and get to hear about them from the people that created them. It’s a great way to connect as a collective group and celebrate each other’s successes. Plus, riding in a school bus (when we used to do that) is just plain fun!

What is your favorite product/service offered by your company?
I’m still learning all our products (there are so many!). I think my favorite group of products are our Architectural Specialties products, wood, metals, felts, tectum; there is some great innovation happening here. I know this sounds weird, but I also like all the prefab solutions we have for the contractors like simple soffit, axiom shade pockets and light coves. People don’t often ask about those, but they really make a difference on large jobs especially and can help ease the burden of creating your own details.

What aspect of your company are you most proud of?
I’m proud of two main things:

1. Armstrong’s commitment to sustainability; we just released our 2030 goals related to these pillars: 

  • Healthy and Circular Products
  • Healthy Planet
  • Thriving People & Communities

2. Armstrong’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. We do have some work to do in the construction / building products industry but our new VP of Talent Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion is building a foundation that will lead the way. She’s inspiring and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

What value do you see in being an IIDA Oregon Chapter Annual Sponsor?
I am glad that we are able to support each other in Oregon and being a sponsor is a way to show that support. There are other ways, too, of course. Through the years at times I’ve been able to support at the event level only and that’s ok, every little bit counts!

What impact do you see the IIDA Oregon Chapter having on the A&D community in Oregon?
IIDA is the glue that keeps us all together working towards being the best community we can be. Events are created so we can socialize and celebrate accomplishments, advocate for our profession, find jobs, meet someone new and just know what’s happening.

 What is your personal mantra?
My personal mantra changes based on the state I’m in; right now it’s “don’t forget to look for joy.” Even small moments can have a big impact on life’s quality.

On a typical Saturday where can we find you?
On a long walk in Graham Oaks Nature Park, at a classical music concert, or pulling weeds in my small patch of a garden.